April 18, 2016

Two days in Krakow

Last weekend I went to Krakow to see Mariah Carey on her tour. You can read more about it HERE. So I wanted to show you some pictures from Krakow. I have been mostly in places in the city center. I do not have a big knowledge about Krakow but I think that those beautiful pics that I have taken and some info that I found are good enough to show this amazing city! Next time I would like to come again to Krakow on summertime to stay a little long and to see Aushwitz and Wieliczka salt mine and a little more of a city.

The city is the second biggest city in Poland with a population of 762 508 people. Krakow is one of the oldest cities in Poland (1257- city rights). Krakow was the capital city of Poland several times. The longest period of being the capital city was 499 years (1296-1795).

Church of St. Adalbert

Sukiennice- Cloth Hall

St. Mary´s Basilica

Inside the Basilica

The Old Town is one of the biggest in Europe (4 acres).The historic centre is one of 14 places in Poland that are included on theUNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Wawel Castle
Wawel Cathedral
There is located the sarcophagus of presidential couple who died in the plane crush in Smolensk in April 10th 2010. The sarcophagus is placed in the antechamber of the Crypt Under the Tower of Silver Bells beneath the Wawel Cathedral.

The Sarcophagus of the presidential couple 
Crypt of  Józef PiÅ‚sudski
Wawel Dragon

Wawel Castle is a gothic castle built in 1520 with a cathedral, many towers, private apartments and crypts. You can read more about the castle here.

Kanonicza Street

Palace of John Paul II


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