September 13, 2015

A Few Hours in Katowice

When I was on the way back to Norway in August I had to take plane from the another in Poland, which name is Katowice. So, Katowice is a center of science, culture, industry, business, trade, and transportation in Upper Silesia and southern Poland, and the main city in the Upper Silesian Industrial Region. Katowice lies within an urban zone (conurbation), with a population of 2,746,460 according to Eurostat. However, the population of city is 307,233. Katowice is a large coal and steel center. It has several coal mines, two steelworks and one foundry of non-ferrous metals. The city has changed a lot through some years, so I want show you some pics of it!


Spodek is a music venue with the capitality to 11,500.

The International Convention Centre
Main Square
Altus Skyscraper

Jacob :)

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