June 26, 2016

What to bring for the festival?

This post will be like a tip for the festivals. I will show there things that you should take for the festivals and that might be helpful for you.

SUNGLASSES- The most important thing when it is really hot and sunny!

I really recommend to take two pairs because when it is a lot of people so something can happen with the first pair (you can lost it or it can be destroy). Last year at the Jazz Festival in Copenhagen my glasses were laying on the ground a long time and when found them they were scratched and crooked.

CAP- Next thing when its really hot and your head cannot handle the sunlight.

Moreover, it can help you when your hair will get really bad so then you can just hide them by the cap.

WET WIPES/ANTIBACTERICAL GEL- It really helps when it is hot and you can get some freshness on your skin.

PLASTIC RAINCOAT- It might be also raining instead of great sunshine. 

Anyway, if it will not rain so you should buy and take the plastic raincoat because you never know what will happen. It is a really good thing to not to get wet. Also, take the plastic bag to hide your bag or backpack inside it while it is raining. Moreover, small umbrella can help too but you are allowed only to take this small folding umbrella. 

POWERBANK- I think everyone knows that they need it when you will not be able to charge your phone a long time and you will use it a long time.

However,  it is better two take two or more if your powerbank has 2600 mAh.

That is all from those important thing I think. Let me know if there is something more that you take with you!


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