December 12, 2015

DIY Traveller Map

It is time for DIY! A long time ago I have seen some people on youtube that have the maps made themselves so I decide to make it too. It is not so hard and everybody can does it in a few minutes. You can print the contour map or draw it. I drew it myself. The things that you need when you will draw it is just a big sheet of paper, a pencil, a marker, some pins and colorful sticky notes (if you want). I have just drew continents that include countries that I have been to so I will add for example Asia later, when I will travel to Emirates or Japan if a few years :)

You can also add to the pins the stickers and write the names of the city that you have been to. I was going to do this but it did not look good as I imagined it before. But maybe you will make it look better on your map!

The final results! :) I chose the yellow marker to paint the countries where I have been to.


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